Promotions Terms & Conditions

Promotion: Bring a Mate! Refer a friend to live at The Switch on a 51 week+ contract and you will both receive $250! Refer a friend to live at The Switch on an  18 week+ contract and you will receive $250 and your friend will receive $100! 

Promotional Period: from 00:01 on 04 February 2025 [AEDT] to 23:59 on 28 February 2026 [AEDT] 

Eligible Entrants: Must be 18 years of age or older during the Promotional Period. The referrer must be a current resident of a Switch property. The referee must be a new applicant to The Switch and not have submitted a previous application.  The referee can only be referred once. 

How to Apply: 

1. The referrer must gain consent from the referee in order to share their  personal data with The Switch. 

2. The referrer must complete the Bring a Mate referral form located in The  Switch App within the Promotional Period. 

3. The referee must pass the eligibility check conducted by The Switch team 4. The referee must complete all application steps to confirm their booking  with The Switch. 

Number of entries permitted: There is no limit on the number of friends you can  refer. The referee can only be referred once. 

Value of Promotion: Receive a pre-paid digital MasterCard. The value of the Bring a Mate promotion on a 51 week+ contract is $250 each for the referrer and  referee. The value of the Bring a Mate promotion on an 18 week+ contract is $250  for the referrer and $100 for the referee. 

Promotion Claim:  

The Eligible Entrants will be notified via email within 8 weeks of the referee’s contract commencing to confirm details for digital Mastercard delivery via the  “Confirm My Details” form. 

If the eligible entrants fail to return the “Confirm My Details” form within 14 days, the promotion will not be paid. 

The digital Mastercard will be distributed within 28 days of the “Confirm My Details” form being completed and returned 

Please note that all Eligible Entrants will require an Australian Mobile phone  number to claim the promotion.  

How to Qualify: Entrants who complete all the 4 required steps mentioned  above, under ‘How to Apply’, within the Promotion Period and complete the  ‘Confirm My Details’ form within 14 days of receipt will be awarded the  promotion. 

Terms and Conditions: See terms and conditions below. 

Bring a Mate! Refer a friend to live at The Switch on a 51 week+ contract and you  will both receive $250! Refer a friend to live at The Switch on an 18 week+  contract and you will receive $250 and your friend will receive $100! 

Offer Terms and Conditions: 

1. The Promoter is: COR Partners Ltd Pty, ACN 633 003 095 whose  registered office is at L38, Tower 3, International Towers Sydney, 300  Barangaroo Avenue, New South Wales, Australia (Promoter). 

2. Employees of the Promoter (including its related bodies corporate) and  their close relatives and anyone otherwise connected with the Promoter is  ineligible to enter. 

3. By participating in this promotion, an entrant is indicating their agreement  to be bound by these terms and conditions. 

4. To enter Eligible Entrants must, during the Promotional Period: 

• The referrer must gain consent from the referee in order to share their  personal data with The Switch. 

• The referrer must complete the Bring a Mate referral form located in The Switch App within the Promotional Period. 

• The referee must pass the eligibility check conducted by The Switch team 

• The referee must complete all application steps to confirm their  booking with The Switch. 

5. The promotion opens for the submission of entries at 00:01 on Monday, 03 February 2025 [AEDT] and closes 23:59 on Saturday, 28 February 2026 [AEDT] (Promotional Period). After the Promotional Period no further  entries to the promotion will be eligible. 

6. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion and  these terms and conditions without notice in the event of a catastrophe,  war, civil or military disturbance, act of God or any actual or anticipated  breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of  the Promoter’s control. Any changes to the promotion for any other reason  will be notified to Eligible Entrants as soon as possible by the Promoter. 

7. The promotion will automatically cease if all eligible rooms are sold out  prior to the ending of the Promotional Period. 

8. The Promoter is not responsible for inaccurate promotion details supplied  to any Eligible Entrant by any third party connected with this promotion. 9. The promotion is as follows: Bring a Mate! Refer a friend to live at The  Switch on a 51 week+ contract and you will both receive $250! Refer a  friend to live at The Switch on an 18 week+ contract and you will receive  $250 and your friend will receive $100!

10. The Promoter’s decision in respect of all matters to do with the promotion  will be final and no correspondence will be entered into. 

11. Once the card is issued by the promoter the redemption of the gift card  and any T&C’s related to the use of the gift card will be directly with The  Card Network (TCN)  

12. The promoter will issue the card only and has no influence or control over  the customer experience beyond that. 

13. The gift card issued will be a Digital MasterCard distributed via TCN to be  used in line with the TCN digital MasterCard T&C’s  

14. The Digital Prepaid Mastercard is issued by EML Payment Solutions  Limited ABN 30 131 436 532 AFSL 404131 pursuant to license by  Mastercard. T&Cs apply. Mastercard and the circles design are registered  trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated. 

15. Redemption of the Digital Prepaid Mastercard is subject to the standard  terms and conditions, which can be found  

at 16. Any ancillary costs associated with redeeming a Digital Prepaid  Mastercard are not included. Any unused balance of a Digital Prepaid  Mastercard will not be awarded as cash. Redemption of a Digital Prepaid  Mastercard is subject to any terms and conditions of the issuer including  those specified on the Digital Prepaid Mastercard. 

17. Nothing in these conditions of entry limits, excludes or modifies or  purports to limit, exclude or modify any statutory consumer guarantees or  any implied condition or warranty the exclusion of which from these terms  and conditions would contravene any statute or cause any part of these  terms and conditions to be void (“Non-Excludable Guarantees”). Subject to  the limitations in the preceding sentence, the Promoter excludes from  these terms and conditions all conditions, warranties and terms implied by  statute, general law or custom. Except for liability in relation to a Non  Excludable Guarantee, the Promoter (including its officers, employees and  agents) excludes all liability whether arising in tort (including without  limitation negligence), contract or otherwise, for any personal injury or any  other loss or damage (including without limitation loss of opportunity or  loss of profits); whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in  any way out of the promotion, including, without limitation, the following:  (a) any technical difficulties or equipment malfunction (whether or not  under the Promoter’s control); (b) any theft, unauthorised access or third  party interference; (c) any entry or claim that is late, lost, altered, damaged  or misdirected (whether or not after their receipt by the Promoter) due to  any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter; (d) any tax  implications; (e) any variation in reward value to that stated in these terms  and conditions; (f) any tax liability incurred by a successful entrant and/or  (g) a promotion or use of a promotion. 

18. The promotion and these terms and conditions will be governed by the  laws of the state in which The Switch property is located, and any disputes  will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that state. 

19. The Promoter collects personal information in order to conduct the  promotion. Entry is conditional on providing this information. The Promoter  will also use the information for promotional, marketing and publicity 

purposes. The Promoter’s privacy policy contains information about how to  access, update or correct entrant’s personal information, how to make a  complaint about a potential breach of privacy and how the Promoter will  deal with such a complaint. All entries become the property of the  Promoter. 

20. Successful entrants will be notified via email within 8 weeks of the  referee’s contract commencing. 

21. To allow The Promoter to issue the Digital MasterCard the Eligible Entrants must confirm their details via a form distributed by the Promoter directly to  the Eligible Entrants. 

22. In the event that any entrants cancel the booking or otherwise terminates  the residential tenancy agreement prior to the start of the agreement, or  during the tenancy, then such entrant’s entitlement to participate shall  cease. 

23. In the event that any entrant claims the promotion and then fails to  complete entirety of the contract the value of the promotion must be paid  back to The Promoter. 

24. In the event that any entrants are in rent arrears then such entrant’s  entitlement to participate shall cease. 

25. If the eligible entrants fail to return the “Confirm your Details” form within  14 days of receiving it, the promotion will not be paid 

26. This promotion is non-transferable and there is no cash alternative. 27. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or  associated with Instagram or any other social network platform and each  entrant releases these entities from any liability associated with this  promotion. 

Last Update: 04 February 2025

Promotion: Extend your stay with the Switch for a further 12 months and “Live life to the fullest” with the Switch

Promotional Period: from 00:01 on 13 July 2023 [AWST] to 23:59 on 30 July 2023 [AWST]

Eligible Entrants: Must be 18 years of age or older during the Promotional Period and be a current resident of The Switch Perth Central, with a current contract end date between 1 January 2024 and March 31 2024

How to Apply:

  1. Submit expression of interest through this Rebooker EOI Form within the Promotional Period
  2. Pass the eligibility check conducted by The Switch team; and
  3. Execute your new residential tenancy agreement within 72 hours of receiving the new offer, 

Number of entries permitted: One entry per Eligible Entrant. Limited to one residential tenancy agreement per entrant.

Value of Promotion: Receive a pre-paid MasterCard to the value of $300AUD 

Promotion Description: The Prepaid MasterCard will be distributed to the Eligible Entrant via email prior to the event  

Promotion Claim: The Eligible Entrant will be notified via email no later than 14 days after the commencement of the new contract

How to Qualify: Entrants who complete all the 3 required steps mentioned above, under ‘How to Apply’, within the Promotion Period will be awarded the promotion.

Terms and Conditions: See terms and conditions below.

Extend your stay with the Switch for a further 12 months and “Live life to the fullest” with the Switch

Offer Terms and Conditions:

  1. The Promoter is: COR Partners Ltd Pty, ACN  633 003 095 whose registered office is at L38, Tower 3, International Towers Sydney, 300 Barangaroo Avenue, New South Wales, Australia (Promoter).
  2. Employees of the Promoter (including its related bodies corporate) and their close relatives and anyone otherwise connected with the Promoter is ineligible to enter.
  3. By participating in this promotion, an entrant is indicating his/her agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions.
  4. To enter Eligible Entrants must, during the Promotional Period:
    1. Submit expression of interest through this Rebooker EOI Form
    2. Pass the eligibility check conducted by The Switch team; and
    3. Execute their new residential tenancy agreement within 72 hours of receiving the offer.
  5. Eligible Entrants may submit one entry only. Multiple entries from the same Eligible Entrant will be disqualified. The use of any automated entry software or any other mechanical or electronic means that allows an Eligible Entrant to automatically enter repeatedly is prohibited and will render all entries submitted by that Eligible Entrant invalid.
  6. The promotion opens for the submission of entries at 00:01 on Thursday, 13 July 2023 [AWST] and closes 23:59 on Sunday, 30 MJuly, 2023 [AEDT] (Promotional Period). After the Promotional Period no further entries to the promotion will be eligible.
  7. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion and these terms and conditions without notice in the event of a catastrophe, war, civil or military disturbance, act of God or any actual or anticipated breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of the Promoter’s control. Any changes to the promotion for any other reason will be notified to Eligible Entrants as soon as possible by the Promoter.
  8. The promotion will automatically cease if all rooms are sold out prior to the ending of the Promotional Period.
  9. The Promoter is not responsible for inaccurate promotion details supplied to any Eligible Entrant by any third party connected with this promotion.
  10. The promotion is as follows: Extend your stay with the Switch for a further 12 months and “Live life to the fullest” with the Switch
  11. The Promoter’s decision in respect of all matters to do with the promotion will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  12. Once the card is issued by the promoter the redemption of the gift card and any T&C’s related to the use of the gift card will be directly with The Card Network (TCN) 
  13. The promoter will issue the card only and has no influence or control over the customer experience beyond that 
  14. The gift card issued will be a Digital MasterCard distributed via TCN to be used on any applicable experience or travel merchant in line with the TCN digital MasterCard T&C’s 
  15. Nothing in these conditions of entry limits, excludes or modifies or purports to limit, exclude or modify any statutory consumer guarantees or any implied condition or warranty the exclusion of which from these terms and conditions would contravene any statute or cause any part of these terms and conditions to be void (“Non-Excludable Guarantees”). Subject to the limitations in the preceding sentence, the Promoter excludes from these terms and conditions all conditions, warranties and terms implied by statute, general law or custom. Except for liability in relation to a Non Excludable Guarantee, the Promoter (including its officers, employees and agents) excludes all liability whether arising in tort (including without limitation negligence), contract or otherwise, for any personal injury or any other loss or damage (including without limitation loss of opportunity or loss of profits); whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of the promotion, including, without limitation, the following: (a) any technical difficulties or equipment malfunction (whether or not under the Promoter’s control); (b) any theft, unauthorised access or third party interference; (c) any entry or claim that is late, lost, altered, damaged or misdirected (whether or not after their receipt by the Promoter) due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter; (d) any tax implications; (e) any variation in reward value to that stated in these terms and conditions; (f) any tax liability incurred by a successful entrant and/or (g) a promotion or use of a promotion.
  16. The promotion and these terms and conditions will be governed by the laws of Western Australia and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Western Australia.
  17. The Promoter collects personal information in order to conduct the promotion. Entry is conditional on providing this information. The Promoter will also use the information for promotional, marketing and publicity purposes. The Promoter’s privacy policy contains information about how to access, update or correct entrant’s personal information, how to make a complaint about a potential breach of privacy and how the Promoter will deal with such a complaint. All entries become the property of the Promoter.
  18. Successful entrant will be notified via email within 14 days of the new contract commencement date 
  19. To allow The Promoter to issue the Digital MasterCard the Eligible Entrant must confirm their details via a from distributed by the Promoter directly to the Eligible Entrant 
  20. In the event that any entrants cancel the booking or otherwise terminates the residential tenancy agreement prior to the start of the agreement, or during the tenancy, then such entrant’s entitlement to participate shall cease.
  21. In the event that any entrant claims the promotion and then fails to complete the contract the value of the promotion claimed will be subtracted from the entrant’s bond payment
  22. In the event that any entrant claims the promotion and then fails to complete the contract the value of the promotion claimed will be subtracted from the entrant’s bond payment.
  23. In the event that any entrants are in rent arrears then such entrant’s entitlement to participate shall cease.
  24. This promotion is non-transferable and there is no cash alternative.
  25. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Instagram or any other social network platform and each entrant releases these entities from any liability associated with this promotion.

Last Update: 17 July 2023.

Swag Out with The Switch

Promotion: Book a 12-month contract at The Switch by 30 September 2023 and “Swag out” with The Switch and gain access to an exclusive instore Nike event with entertainment, food, beverage and a “one night only” Switch resident discount of 20% on the night. Even better The Switch will line your pockets with $250 to spend!

Promotional Period: from 00:01 on 17 July 2023[AWST] to 23:59 on 30 September 2023 [AWST]

Eligible Entrants: Must be 18 years of age or older during the Promotional Period and be a new customer to The Switch Perth Central

How to Apply:

  1. Submit application through the enquiry form on The Switch’s website or submit the Partner Referral form;
  2. Pass the eligibility check conducted by The Switch team; and
  3. Complete a new accommodation application, pay required deposit and execute a valid residential tenancy agreement between the eligible entrant and Perth Central with the tenancy commencement date no later than 29 February 2024.

Number of entries permitted: One entry per Eligible Entrant. Limited to one residential tenancy agreement per entrant.

Value of Promotion: AUD$250 in a Prepaid MasterCard or instore credit for a lease with a contract length of 51 weeks or longer 

Promotion Description: The Prepaid MasterCard or details in relation to the Store Credit will be distributed to the Eligible Entrant via email prior to the event  

Promotion Claim: The Eligible Entrant will be notified via email no later than 14 days prior to the event to confirm claim process.

Winning method: Complete all the 3 required steps will be awarded the promotion.

Terms and Conditions: See terms and conditions below.

Book with The Switch by 30 September 2023 and gain access to an exclusive instore Nike event with entertainment, food, beverage and a “one night only” Switch resident discount of 20% on the night. Even better The Switch will line your pockets with $250 to spend!

 Terms and Conditions:

  1. The Promoter is: COR Partners Ltd Pty, ACN  633 003 095 whose registered office is at L38, Tower 3, International Towers Sydney, 300 Barangaroo Avenue, New South Wales, Australia (Promoter).
  2. The promotion is only open to (Eligible Entrants). Employees of the Promoter (including its related bodies corporate) and their close relatives and anyone otherwise connected with the Promoter is ineligible to enter.
  3. By participating in this promotion, an entrant is indicating his/her agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions.
  4. To enter Eligible Entrants must, during the Promotional Period:
    1. Pass the eligibility check conducted by The Switch team; and
    2. Complete accommodation application, pay required deposit and execute a valid residential tenancy agreement between the eligible entrant and Perth Central; and
    3. The agreement must be a minimum of 51 weeks with a contract start date no later than 29 February 2024.
  5. Eligible Entrants may submit one entry only. Multiple entries from the same Eligible Entrant will be disqualified. The use of any automated entry software or any other mechanical or electronic means that allows an Eligible Entrant to automatically enter repeatedly is prohibited and will render all entries submitted by that Eligible Entrant invalid.
  6. The promotion opens for the submission of entries at 00:01am AWST on Thursday, 17 July 2023 and closes 23:59pm AWST on Thursday, 29 February 2024 (Promotional Period). After the Promotional Period no further entries to the promotion will be eligible.
  7. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion and these terms and conditions without notice in the event of a catastrophe, war, civil or military disturbance, act of God or any actual or anticipated breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of the Promoter’s control. Any changes to the promotion for any other reason will be notified to Eligible Entrants as soon as possible by the Promoter.
  8. The promotion will automatically cease if either a) the Promotional Period has come to an end; or b) all rooms are sold out prior to the ending of Promotion Period.
  9. The Promoter is not responsible for inaccurate promotion details supplied to any Eligible Entrant by any third party connected with this promotion.
  10. The promotion is as follows: AUD$250 for a lease between 51 to 52 weeks in a pre-paid Digital MasterCard or instore credit.
  11. Once the card is issued by the promoter the redemption of the gift card and any T&C’s related to the use of the gift card will be directly with The Card Network (TCN) or The Retail Prodigy Group for instore credit
  12. The promoter will issue the card only and has no influence or control over the customer experience at the instore event. 
  13. The gift card issued will be a Digital MasterCard distributed via TCN to be used on any applicable sporting good product in line with the TCN digital MasterCard T&C’s 
  14. The Promoter’s decision in respect of all matters to do with the promotion will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  15. Nothing in these terms and conditions limits, excludes or modifies or purports to limit, exclude or modify any statutory consumer guarantees or any implied condition or warranty the exclusion of which from these terms and conditions would contravene any statute or cause any part of these terms and conditions to be void (“Non-Excludable Guarantees”). Subject to the limitations in the preceding sentence, the Promoter excludes from these terms and conditions all conditions, warranties and terms implied by statute, general law or custom. Except for liability in relation to a Non Excludable Guarantee, the Promoter (including its officers, employees and agents) excludes all liability whether arising in tort (including without limitation negligence), contract or otherwise, for any personal injury or any other loss or damage (including without limitation loss of opportunity or loss of profits); whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of the promotion, including, without limitation, the following: (a) any technical difficulties or equipment malfunction (whether or not under the Promoter’s control); (b) any theft, unauthorised access or third party interference; (c) any entry or claim that is late, lost, altered, damaged or misdirected (whether or not after their receipt by the Promoter) due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter; (d) any tax implications; (e) any variation in reward value to that stated in these terms and conditions; (f) any tax liability incurred by a successful entrant and/or (g) a promotion or use of a promotion.
  16. The promotion and these terms and conditions will be governed by the laws of Western Australia and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Western Australia.
  17. The Promoter collects personal information in order to conduct the promotion. Entry is conditional on providing this information. The Promoter will also use the information for promotional, marketing and publicity purposes. The Promoter’s privacy policy contains information about how to access, update or correct entrant’s personal information, how to make a complaint about a potential breach of privacy and how the Promoter will deal with such a complaint. All entries become the property of the Promoter.
  18. To allow The Promoter to issue the Digital MasterCard the Eligible Entrant must confirm their details via a from distributed by the Promoter directly to the Eligible Entrant no later than 14 days prior to the confirmed event date
  19. The Successful Entrant will require an Australian Mobile Phone number in order to redeem the promotion 
  20. In the event that any entrants cancel the booking or otherwise terminates the residential tenancy agreement prior to the start of the agreement, or during the tenancy, then such entrant’s entitlement to participate shall cease.
  21. In the event that any entrant claims the promotion and then fails to complete the contract the value of the promotion claimed will be subtracted from the entrant’s bond payment.
  22. In the event that any entrants are in rent arrears then such entrant’s entitlement to participate shall cease.
  23. This promotion is non-transferable and there is no cash alternative.
  24. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Instagram or any other social network platform and each entrant releases these entities from any liability associated with this promotion.

Last Update: 16 June 2023.